Sunday, May 28, 2006

::Sibu Island::

Sibu Island!!!!! Muahahahahahah!!!!!!

The trip to Sibu Island were GREAT!! Maybe it's the 1st time ever that I followed my colleagues to such a trip. Everything was great.. the boat trip.. the weather.. the sun, the sea, the sand...

And I've touch a 'gamat', sea-cucumber, too bad those guys didn't bring their cameras... darn it!!!

And we also took this picture, idea and setting are from So'od, the person in the middle.... We named this picture.. "Orang-Orang Kaya Simantan"..

::Orang-Orang Kaya Simantan::

Haha! Posing macam orang kaya.. KIMAK!! Poyo nak mampos... :P

Friday, May 26, 2006

::The MaGiCaL HanD oF...

There are countless and countless miracle of ALLAH that has spread through HIS land..
But none of His creature could compare to one, fragile yet very strong, in fact one of the strongest, hand in the world..

That hand that helped me through thick and thin...

....held me when I'm scared in the middle of the night..

....wiped my tears when I'm crying...

....held me when it seems like the world is against me...

....protected me when I was a baby, and still protecting me though I'm strong enough to protect myself..

....feed me...

....slapped me...

....pinched me...

....taught me about the lessons of life...

....would bleed for me...

....never ever rejected me, though I sometimes rejected it...

....which belongs to one woman..

A woman... A mother....

MY mother..

She may never read this, and I'm too egoistic to tell her myself...

But I love you, Mummy. People may think that I'm "mama's boy". Let them talk! All the money and glory in the world could never repay back what she has done for me. Thank you Mummy.

Happy Belated Mother's Day. The hand that rocks the cradle, rocks the world....

Sunday, May 14, 2006

.:SoLiTaRy SheLL::

It's been a while since I last wrote my stuff here.

Why, oh why, does Love accompanied by Jealousy? Did they made a pack, long before humans walked the earth? I, myself, felt that jealousy is a burden. It's something that I wish I could cast away.


It's because of it that The Great Lucifer (or Azazil) fell from the highest level to the lowest level of creature, thus taking the name Satan (or Iblis). And because of it, the first murder was done by Prophet Adam's sons. It seems like jealousy is always in a human's heart.. no.. it's a PART of the human's heart. It's a burden, so heavy that I can't bear it anymore.


Another of God's marvelous creation. Because of it, we were born. Because of it, we were fed. Because of it, we were able to breath, talk, eat, laugh, cry, etc. But, with Jealousy tagging along, is Love a blessing from above, or a deadly curse, cast upon mankind for their mischievious way?

I dunno. Love is both. A curse and a blessing.

Such is the miracle of God.