I dunno what to write today. Mental blocking. I had enuff actually. Enuff of people poking through my egoistic mind, challenging me mentally. 'Nak tengok sekeras mana hati aku'. So it shall be written, so it shall be done.
*keraskan hati*
Maybe it's wrong for me to tell someone not to go out at 0200 in the morning. I've heard oh so many cases lately, and I'm just being a good companian by telling someone not to to it. But what do I get in return? I'll put that to your imagination...
Maybe it's because these kinda people have such a thick motherfucking skull, people care about you motherfucker! I can't make it, so you go out with someone else? Nice..
Found out something cool today. Cradle of Filth is goood.. back to the old "Hail Satan" days..
Sunday, January 29, 2006
From the twisted mind of
11:47 PM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
:The Cut, The Stitches and The Pain.....::
Kene fitnah lagi.. *sigh*
Who cares anyway, eh? If she really into me, she won't beLIEve all those lies..
I'm losing someone, not because of her, but because of me. I can't seem to forget. I thought I had a hope, but she blew it away. How I wish she didn't say that kinda words. *sigh*
My Ms. Harime, how I wish you didn't say all those words. You gave me hope, but you rip it away from me.. Of all the people around me, I trust YOU the most.. I thought YOU knew me best...
The wound heals.. but the scars remain.. I really wish we could go back the way we used to be.. but if you don't need me anymore, fine by me...
Mr. Big
Now that I've lost everything to you
You say you want to start something new
And it's breaking my heart you're leaving
Baby I'm grieving
And if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear
A lot of nice things turn bad out there
Oh baby, baby, it's a wild world
It's hard to get by just upon a smile
(yeah...) oh baby, it's a wild world
I'll always remember you like a child girl
You know I've seen a lot of
What the world can do
And it's breaking my heart in two
Coz I never want to see you sad girl
Don't be a bad girl
But if you wanna leave take good care
Hope you make a lot of nice friends out there
Just remember there's
A lot of bad and beware
La...la...la...la...la...baby I love you.
From the twisted mind of
10:42 PM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I have nothing to write today.
I miss her.
I really miss her.
Though I can't do anything about that.
So it shall be written..
So it shall be done.
I really wish she'll take back those words.
Maybe she can't see that I can't live without her.
I miss her hugs...
Her kisses..
Her laughter...
Her tears...
Her ways of 'seducing' me...
Her ways of making fun of me..
Her voice when she call me names...
I miss her.. all of her...
Forgive me, but I can't erase YOU from my mind..
I Miss You
From the twisted mind of
12:51 AM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
::No oNe TheRe..::
:nO One TherE:
The axe, the bottle, and the rope
The feeling there really is no more hope
The thought of the great unknown
And facing it alone
The dark, the silent, and the cold
The feeling I have come to the end of my road
Yes these are the things I spend my remaining moments with
And the wind blows through my heart
Shivers me one last time
As I now reach out in the dark
No one there
Why did it have to be so hard
For us to live our lives
Again I reach out in the dark in despair
The desperation and the snow
The feeling of finally coming back home
The melancholy and the hole in the soil so hard and cold
And the wind blows through my heart
Shivers me one last time
As I now reach out in the dark
No one there
Your love for me, my love for you
Things we somehow managed to lose
Now there's only the ruthless wind
To blow right through
If freezes my heart, my desperate heart
If freezes my heart, my desperate heart
If freezes my heart, my desperate heart
To think we both will die alone
And the wind blows through my heart
Shivers me one last time
As I now reach out in the dark
No one there
Nothing to write today. I'm trying hard to look at the bright side.. Everything is planned. Allah has His reasons, and it's not our job to 'ask' about His reasons. Trying hard to play the 'Call of Duty 2', damn it's one, tough cookie if u ask me! I miss my PS2... I'm missing someone actually.
Went for the usual jamming session with Shah and Fariz. Just the 3 of us there. Felt like Blink 182 there, with Ms. Jackie strapped on Shah's shoulder. So it's Blink 182, but with a kick-ass solos. Played the usual routine, Shah on the guitar, Fariz on the drum, and yours truly on the bass. Heheh, Shah said I looked different when we played 'I Remember You'... Feeeling lebih katenyer... *sigh*. And i injured my ribs while singing 'Alma Mater', dun ask me how I got those injuries, I just did...
I really wish she's here now..
From the twisted mind of
2:27 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Korban.. Sacrifice. We need to sacrifice things in our lives, in order to gain a better stuff. Prophet Ibrahim sacrificed his beloved son, the Prophet Ismail, thus gaining Allah's Love and Forgiveness. But people don't usually see that by sacrificing something, you'll gain more good stuff later on. I think that's why it's called IMAN.. the abilities to believe something that you cannot see.
I went to Muar, to Kak Ati's hometown, on Hari Raya Qurban. It was a great trip! The best part was, the 3 of us (Fariz, Abg Man n I) had to, well... 'lapah' the head of the cow. Imagine us, without any knowledge of 'lapah' whatsoever... we're lucky Abg Bandi's dad was there. He showed us the rite way, the 'OTAI' way of cutting of the skin from the meat, the meat from the bone. The hardest part was, believe it or not, is to take out the freaking brain out from the skull. Cows have a hard skull, believe me. When people say "You're head is like a cow", go on and say "Why, thank ye..". It's so fucking hard. The cow can bang his head on the road and say "Hey, I'm perfectly ok".
After 2 fucking hours of 'lapah'-ing the head of the cow, we get to pampered ourselves with a nice, rib-soup. HeLL yES tHaT wAs sUcH a NicE TreAt!!! It's fresh, nice, warm, juicy, uhh.. wait.. now that sounds obscene...
Next stop, Ecah's house. Fariz's beloved girl's house at Batu Pahat. Such a nice family, they are.. Had a nice chat with her parents. Such a sweet couple. :D
Arrived at home around 1:30am. Damn tired. But hey, we gained sumthing new.. Now I can go around n say "I've cut out the brains of a cow..". Sounds like a black metal follower to me.. :P
From the twisted mind of
8:15 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006
The title is another name for "new".
New blogs, new life, new friends, new hobbies...
Just watched the movie "Saw 2", the sequel to "Saw", and hell those are the most psychotic movie i ever saw!!! But it does teaches us one thing, appreciate life and those around u. I dun wanna spoil the movie, better go and watch it u'rself! :D
I've been thinking, what's with the kids nowadays? I mean, when I was roughly 9 years old or so, I dun even dare to step out of the house without my mom's permission. Dun wanna mess with her.. know wot i'm saying here? But the kids nowadays are totally different, there are a few parents came into the cc and ask me about their kids. I mean.. "how the fuck should I know about those kids, eh?". I'm not saying that my parents are better than this 'new age' parents, it's just that these kids are more.. 'kurang ajar'. Sorry, that's the most polite word I can think of now. There are even those who came into the cc and did something like this..
Kid : Bang, bukak PC17, open eh.
Me : Eh, tak boleh, bayar dulu dik.
Kid : *with a loud voice* Hah? Bayar dulu? Tak payah lah, open ajerlah.
Me : *stands up* Aku cakap bayar dulu, ko pulak nak ajar aku.
Kid : Kalau bayar dulu takper lah. *Walk out*
The kid's lucky he's not my lil bro.. Bet Boey my friend have faced the same, or near, the situation above. Darn brat!
From the twisted mind of
6:48 PM
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
::aHaD YanG SuRaM::
:gLooMy SunDaY:
Sunday is gloomy, my hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows I live with are numberless
Little white flowers will never awaken you
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thought of ever returning you
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you?
Gloomy Sunday
Gloomy is Sunday, with shadows I spend it all
My heart and I have decided to end it all
Soon there'll be candles and prayers that are sad I know
Let them not weep let them know that I'm glad to go
Death is no dream for in death I'm caressing you
With the last breath of my soul I'll be blessing you
Gloomy Sunday
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep in the deep of my heart, here
Darling, I hope that my dream never haunted you
My heart is telling you how much I wanted you
Gloomy Sunday
From the twisted mind of
7:42 PM