Korban.. Sacrifice. We need to sacrifice things in our lives, in order to gain a better stuff. Prophet Ibrahim sacrificed his beloved son, the Prophet Ismail, thus gaining Allah's Love and Forgiveness. But people don't usually see that by sacrificing something, you'll gain more good stuff later on. I think that's why it's called IMAN.. the abilities to believe something that you cannot see.
I went to Muar, to Kak Ati's hometown, on Hari Raya Qurban. It was a great trip! The best part was, the 3 of us (Fariz, Abg Man n I) had to, well... 'lapah' the head of the cow. Imagine us, without any knowledge of 'lapah' whatsoever... we're lucky Abg Bandi's dad was there. He showed us the rite way, the 'OTAI' way of cutting of the skin from the meat, the meat from the bone. The hardest part was, believe it or not, is to take out the freaking brain out from the skull. Cows have a hard skull, believe me. When people say "You're head is like a cow", go on and say "Why, thank ye..". It's so fucking hard. The cow can bang his head on the road and say "Hey, I'm perfectly ok".
After 2 fucking hours of 'lapah'-ing the head of the cow, we get to pampered ourselves with a nice, rib-soup. HeLL yES tHaT wAs sUcH a NicE TreAt!!! It's fresh, nice, warm, juicy, uhh.. wait.. now that sounds obscene...
Next stop, Ecah's house. Fariz's beloved girl's house at Batu Pahat. Such a nice family, they are.. Had a nice chat with her parents. Such a sweet couple. :D
Arrived at home around 1:30am. Damn tired. But hey, we gained sumthing new.. Now I can go around n say "I've cut out the brains of a cow..". Sounds like a black metal follower to me.. :P
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
From the twisted mind of
8:15 PM
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