Sunday, February 12, 2006

::Onimusha : Dawn of Dreams::

Ok dun bother about the title. It's the latest game by CAPCOM, the 4th on the Onimusha series. I'm trying to beat the crap out of the enemies there. Somehow the game seems easier than the previous installment.

Sometimes it bothers me when Japanese games went to the market 1st. I mean, I know THEY created the games first (Final Fantasies, Xenosaga, Kingdom Hearts etc) but isn't it better if they did it like Onimusha 4? The game has the option of changing the language, both written and spoken, to either English or Japanese. Which means I can change the written to English but still maintain the Japanese voices. Ahh the cute voice of the lil children.. and the annoying sound of the bad-ass Genma...

I'm beginning to feel cold here. Fever, coming rite up.. *sigh* Haven't finish up my work on buku cenderamata.. *sigh* someone please shoot me on the head.. with a real gun that is..

Ah, how come people get piss off when a person who just broke off found someone else? I know, I know, I'm not being a sensitive man.. But aren't we suppose to somehow.. 'move on'? *sigh* I maybe wrong, but i dun go around making sending sms, stating something outrageous just to piss people off.

It's been a while since I last undergo a jamming session with my friends.. Eh maner korang ah? Hilang pulak dah... tumbuk nak? :P

I miss my PS2.. I dunno if i have a happy life nowadays. But I'm trying to be happy. What's the point of being sad, eh? And then I came across this words.. got it from someone's signature on a forum that I join..

All the darkness in the world could never extinguish the flame of a single candle

Nice, eh? Try to understand the meaning of it. Lucifer must be pissed of by now.. *grin*

Thursday, February 09, 2006

say WHAT?

I really dun get it..

How come it's always my fault?

She's the one who had a boyfriend first..

So should I wait for her?

Did i gave her hope? Or izzit the other way round?

I don't get it. It's ALWAYS my fault.

I ALWAYS don't understand her. I ALWAYS pisses her off. What about ME? People always pretend that they care. They care about how I felt. And I fucking hate pretenders. She has a boyfriend. And THAT boyfriend is MY FRIEND. Should I wait?

Is it MY FAULT that she build a relationship with a person she DOESN'T LOVE?

This situation really pisses me off...

Monday, February 06, 2006

LoVe ThinG?

Adakah tapak tanganmu berkeringat, hatimu
berdebar kencang dan
tersekat di dadamu?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu SUKA.

Adakah kamu tidak dapat melepaskan pandangan
mata darinya?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu NAFSU.

Adakah kamu menginginkannya kerana kamu tahu
ia ada di sana?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu KESEPIAN.

Adakah kamu mencintainya kerana itulah yang
diinginkan semua
Itu bukan Cinta, itu KESETIAAN

Adakah kamu tetap mengatakan kamu
menyintainya kerana kamu tidak
ingin melukai hatinya?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu BELAS KASIHAN.

Adakah kamu menjadi miliknya kerana pandangan
matanya membuat
Itu bukan Cinta, itu TERGILA-GILA.

Adakah kamu memaafkan kesalahannya kerana
kamu mengambil berat
Itu bukan Cinta, itu PERSAHABATAN.

Adakah kamu mengatakan padanya bahawa
setiap hari hanya dia yang
Itu bukan Cinta, itu DUSTA.

Adakah kamu rela memberikan semua perkara
yang kamu senangi untuk
kepentingan dirinya?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu KEMURAHAN HATI.


Adakah kamu tetap bertahan kerana campuran
antara kesakitan dan
kegembiraan yang membutakan dan tak
terfahami ... menarikmu
mendekati dan tetap bersamanya?

Apakah kamu menerima kesalahannya kerna itu
bahagian dirinya dan
Jika demikian, ITULAH CINTA.

Adakah kamu tertarik dengan orang lain tapi setia
dengannya tanpa
Jika demikian, ITULAH CINTA.

Adakah kamu menangis kerana kesakitannya
walaupun saat itu dia

Adakah hatimu sakit dan hancur ketika dia

Adakah hatimu gembira ketika dia berbahagia?

Adakah matanya melihat hatimu dan menyentuh
jiwamu begitu
sehingga menusuk?
Yang demikian itulah namanya CINTA.


Why did I post this? God knows... :P

I just found out today that some people can't bear the thought that you getting better. Yes, while you're smiling here, there are some of those guys or girls out there are frowning and hating you. But the problem is, these kind of motherfuckers smile and chat and talk and laugh with you when you're around.

True motherfuckers if u ask me..

Sunday, February 05, 2006

::Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah::

Hooo boy...

So little time so much to do..

I'm missing someone..

Can't mention the name, though..

How come I'm always on the wrong side? I mean, each time shit happens, they blame it on me.... *sigh*

Ah, thanks to Boey, Ms. Harime a.k.a aNem and Fachak for helping me through in making the booklet for SUkan PERsilatan. It's hell of a work, but with the help of you guys, it's been fun. Thank you very much. May ALLAH bless you all with His Grace and His Mercy...

I'm tired..
I miss my PS2...