Sunday, July 30, 2006


Ok, I'm sitting here in front of the damn PC at 1:00am in the fucking morning wearing my blue 'baju melayu' WITH a 'samping' AND a 'songkok'. Why? Because I'm fucking waiting for the fucking keys to this cyber-cafe...

How bad can this situation be, aye? *sigh*

Just got home from BNM/MCM dinner at Puteri Pacific Hotel (previously Pan Pacific Hotel). Dinner's ok. Nothing much happened except that I finished a hefty amount of prawns and chicken single-handedly WITH a chopstick. Yep. They went "WTF Aloi can uses chopsticks?" (oh, btw, they call me 'Aloi' at the office), and all I said was "Uhhh.. my dad's a chinese, remember?". Ignorance is bliss. :D

No jamming this week. I think this explains the bad mood that I'm feeling this week. Fucking bassist got a fewer. Got damn it he's fucking huge for God's sake! An abomination, even! Can't even fight a damn fever! I know.. I know.. it's not MY band but for the love of God I am part of the jam session!! I played the fucking guitar God damn it! I even did that Shaolin Guitar Techniques and that Tantra Exercise, those that could strenghten u'r finger.. Hell I even practise some licks for that 18 bar song called Little Wings. And all I get was "Jamming canceled. Pejal demam". Now I'll hafta wait for another week to get my hands on the fretboard.. That no-good Pejal... !&^@&*($*(@#&^$%^$^ T_T

Oh, and I have a story. There's this guitarist, a cool one. He's my friend. Hell of a guitarist. Then one day he woke up and said "I wanna be Mike Portnoy". GOD DAMN IT SHAH PLAY U'R GUITAR DAMN IT!! :P

I'll be going to Langkawi next week. Yay! *prepares stuff* And thanks to Boey and Fariz for giving me the Hard Gay thingamajie. God damn it that's soo funny I wish I'm ga- .... Uhhh.. forget I said anything..

It's already 1:20am and this CC is STILL ON BUSINESS.... God Help Me.. T_T

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Devil May Cry

Do love really change people?

Do you accept people because of who they are, or do you accept him/her bad attitude mainly because of love?

If your girl/boy turn up late for your dinner, would you smile and say "Hey it's ok, people make mistakes", or would you frown and refuse to say a word?

If your friend did the same, would you reply with the same answer?

Love has the power to change perception. To change the way of seeing things. To change people. To change the world. Make the devil cry...

Love is scary if u ask me..

p/s 3 cheers for my bestest friend in the world, Ms. Lilo @ Aziyana for finding her Mr. Right!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

::Lingua Problemo::

There's this serious problem regarding this cyber cafe I'm helping out. There a a bunch of these Vietnamese people lurking around the CC, and the number grew larger, probably 'coz of the new webcam P.E installed. Problem is out of 10 Vietnamese, only 1 or 2 could speak English or Malay. Imagine the problem I have if i wanted to tell them to check their YM's password.

Better yet, they don't even fucking know how or what 'RM 2.00' means. All they do is took out their freaking wallet and shove it to me, asking me to take the mysterious 'RM 2.00' from 'em. They're lucky I'm honest. *finger cross* No.. seriously..

You can tell them to fuck their momma in malay and all they do is stand there smiling that grin at u'r face... and that's not all. They have the high percentage of playing their local songs out loud, turning this heavenly MySAS Cyber Cafe into some MySAS Vietnam Hooker Parlour. God knows where do they obtain their 'rare' songs...

This is me and my girl. Oh, ignore that Ju-On kinda girl on da background. At 1st I was shocked to see this picture, thinking that maybe I just capture the supernatural creature on my phone, then I realize it's just my friend Tick-Tick (yes, we actually call her that.. and I dun even know why.. @.@) busy doing some sms-ing with her friend.. Damn it Tick2 dun do that!!!

Oh, I'ma having my dinner. Been so damn busy I hardly have time to jack of--, I mean, have my dinner.. aha.. ahahaha.. n.n;;

p/s I love the girl in the picture... both of 'em.. *runs away from Rai's deadly pinches*